Acropolis and the Parthenon, Athens, Greece

We started the day with a nice early morning walk. We did not see as many cats as we expected. The ones we did see were stray but at the same time were being looked after by the people who live in the city!

When we finally arrived at the Acropolis, our minds exploded with fascination as we walked through the rocky paths and marbled steps of the ruins. As we looked at the ruins we could see every single detailed spec of the brick and wondered how did they make it with such massive bricks?

The history books said it started being built in 447 BC.

The Parthenon was created at the time for the Greek Goddess Athena and that’s also where the the name of the city Athens comes from.


10 responses

  1. Great post Phoebe, keep them coming!

    I’ve been to Athens a few times, went to some great outdoor cinemas where cats come and join you!

  2. Excellent photography. Amazing to see Athens spread out far below.
    Very interesting facts by Phoebe. Did your minds explode together or one at a time?.

  3. I can see why your ‘minds exploded with fascination’-it looks amazing. Sorry there weren’t many cats:(

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